Drone hardware for Navio2

Hi, all!

Can someone advice shop in EU where I can buy all hardware for drone with Navio2 autopilot ? Or may be You can suggest me some DIY kit for this ?



Hobbyking is one of the most popular for drones, they have Ready to Fly products like http://www.hobbyking.com/mobile/viewproduct.asp?idproduct=45468 which are a good start! You can also select the individual components which work out cheaper!

Well Hobbyking for sure is an excellent choice, I have quite good experience with their support. They have a european warehouse, but some items are not availible from there. They will have to be shipped from China, but even that is not as bad as ist sounds…

If you really want to get into DIY and scratchbuilding, you will find flitetest on youtube, and their website very helpfull, but even if you decide to DIY most of the things, you will have to visit Hobbyking.

Have you ever flown a drone or RC plane, or are you completely new to the hobby?

hope I could help you

No, this is my first experience with drones. I want to create drone with Navio2 + gimble + video translation + control by computer (not remote control device). I have read article about Navio + 3G and now looking for other parts of drone :smile:

I am afraid, if I buy ready-to-fly kit it can be incompatible with Navio2. So I am looking for ready-to-setup-autopilot kit :smile: With all components (including gimbal and camera) but without controller (or with controller I can replace with Navio2).

Personaly, I’ve made very bad experience with rtf kits, so I would suggest you get some of the items individually. Obviusly you will need an rc transmitter to tell Navio what to do in manual mode, or when to switch to auto mode. I would recommend the Taranis 9d or 9e. They both are great price to performance radios, and you will have plenty of room for the future. Thyn you will need a charger, to charge your LiPos and other batteries. Don’t buy one with an integreatet powersupply. I had to send mine back 2 times… Just buy a 12v psu and a standart 4 button charger.
Also what kind of a drone do you like: A small 200-250 class quad or some bigger quads or a hexa, or octo?`

I can do some research on that for you, if you tell me what you want.

Also 99% of the hardware out there are compaltible with the Navio.

I don’t plane of using separate rc transmitter and want to control drone by WiFi/3G from computer. I want to use drone for live video streaming. So I will use camera and gimbal, GPS and WiFi/3G connection (I have read about its, but author use Navio for plane, not copter).

This is not posssible, as you will at least need a rc remote to calibrate your escs…

In theory it is possible to use the Navio without an rc transmitter, but it simply is not praktical.

Also you did not tell us yet what kind of drone you would like to get.

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Sorry. It should be copter. I don’t know which - quadro-, tri- or hexa-.

For a camera ship you want to look at Hex or Octo, but for economy in starting out probably a quad.
It’s a bit like a first car, as we know we always wreck our first car :wink:

For safety sake, others as well as yourself, you should really have an RC transmitter for the system, even if it is only a backup for emergency.
As with all aircraft, you want to able to take manual control in the case of an emergency.
Relying on auto systems totally is just a recipe for disaster, unless you are purchasing a multi K$ turnkey drone system from a reputable manufacturer.
Even then I think you will find they want you to be able to manually fly it.

To be certified to use it for commercial use in most countries will require certification which will require a component of manual flight.

If you are doing this on your own then I would suggest that you by a cheap and cheerful RTF quad that can carry a GoPro and start from there. There are quite a few sub $500 quads with GPS functions out there that would be a good first machine.

Bottom line… Learn to fly RC if you want to put machine in the air.
If you don’t then you are a disaster waiting to happen.

Thanks. I don’t reject RC transmitter at all. Of course, I will have it and use for studying. Computer controlled flight is my aim. And I will try to do manual mode too, by application, not by RC transmitter.