What are the permissible SNR value which this device is sensitive of?
The issue is related to the SNR fluctuation rather than a specific SNR value. SNR values are good enough in your last log, but their fluctuation and cycle slips show substantial interference indirectly.
Have you changed anything in the hardware setup since the last time you shared pics? According to the last ones, the GNSS antenna is taped to the VTOL’s body. You need to lift it up to 15-20 cm. If you change something, please send me the new hardware setup photos.
There would be a distance/number stating that for so and so… voltage and so and so… current carrying conductor distance of interference is so and so inches/feet. if you have any such value or number much appreciated.
Each electronic device can interfere variously. Interference’s impact depends on Reach’s location and wires’ isolation as well. Hence, we don’t have exact values for these parameters.
A DIY drone is a unique system, and we don’t set restrictions for its design. However, we’re always open to checking the hardware setups and Reach’s behavior in them.
I see that firmware 29.2 has been released, when will I see this Missing events issue fixed in these updates?
I’d suggest you perform a simple test to check the time events recording.
You can take out the receiver from the VTOL, connect it to the camera, and record time events. If this issue occurs, we’ll understand that it’s not related to the VTOL and proceed examination of Reach’s behavior.
Hi @NayakRC , I think I’m having the same problem as you. Did you manage to solve it? It is happening to me that in some flights I have all the timemarks and in others they are missing up to 30%, having status fix and without changing anything inside the fixed wing drone.
Any help you can give me will be appreciated.
Hello @vascodx No I have been trying to figure out this issue with 2 M2 Devices I have they both have same issue since i have purchased them.
I have tried almost everything nothing is working out. The discussion is going deeper and deeper with Emlid support but no solution till now. I have been told to try various things and I have been trying since 7/8 months.
You are setting up a system that receives a fairly weak signal from 20.000 km away.
An RF noise emitter a few cm away from the receivers, the antenna cable, or the antenna itself can easily affect the data-quality.
The M2 is made to be lightweight, so you won’t find a a stock metal enclosure, like every other GNSS receiver has. However, there are ways do this yourself, and it is very effective.
With regards to triggering, you could consider using shielded cables as well.