Does anyone uses this Radio Module?

At 2W and and only 9600baud max air rate seems odd.

Emlid is 0.1w and can achieve almost 19,200

Ebyte makes a 1W radio up to 19,200 air rate I have tested, its got a small amount more jam than emlid especially if it gets 24V.

But the biggest performance gains came from raising the antenna.

@PotatoFarmer so this means at this spec the range is not realistic?

I think the specs may be misrepresented, considering the rest of the Lora equipment available on the market currently.

Or It might be the greatest thing ever, who knows until you actually buy it.

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yes, will try it. I’ll let you know soon

sorry for my ignorance, can you please lecture me about the Air Rate relative to Wattage?

The whole point of having more wattage with Lora is to run faster data for all constellations.

If you are not concerned about having a fast data rate, and are only running only one constellation, the 0.1W Emlid radio can already connect at incredible distance.

I have already found that increasing wattage only minimally increases Lora distance if antenna locations are sub optimum. With optimum line of sight antenna placement all you really end up gaining is the ability to run a faster air data rate 0.1W vs 1W.

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