Nice! I like the idea that the laser aligns by gravity.
I have some laser diodes for this same job, but was struggling to find a good way to mount and align them up inside the 5/8" thread in my DIY base stations. Plus, do it in a way that they are centered under the antenna and shining down perpendicular to the base of the container.
The above pic is just an example of what I have, I bought mine locally but it looks to be the same. The brightness could be better for use in the sunshine, so I thought about over driving the diode and pulsing short bursts with a 555 timer or similar.
Mine is just an idea. @TB_RTK has the finished product
Yes, you have a challenging design
I think placing and center antenna above the srew mount is a good starting place, from there whatever you srew under, like the image above, it will drop in a straigt line (parallel with the srew mount). Only thing left is to level antenna unit, but that could easily be done with a smal bubble.
Are you putting your idea on ice now that you have RS in the house ?