In reachview 3, I did not manage to change the style of the plan where points are displayed.
In fact, at the moment the view style is “plan”. And I would like to use another style of map (satelite: eg googlemap or custom map)
Is there any way to do it?
A WMS or WMST service wouldbe good…
Hi @ziok,
At the moment, you can use the OpenMap layout only. We’ll think about adding different maps view in future updates.
If licensing the maps is a problem just maybe do it like UniFi and let the user itself enter the Google Maps Api Key:
Google Maps API Key
Hi, we should be able to add our own WMS or personal layer like castral…
Every person using your stuff is doing maps… I think you should not limit your app/hardware with your own choice of map… a bit disapointed
Hi @Nordstern,
Thanks for the suggestion!
Hi @ziok,
Please note that our ReachView 3 is still in beta testing at the moment. Some features may be unavailable. However, all crucial functionality will be included in the full release.
I understand the beta point ! do you have an ETA for the full release? this year? 1rst quarter 2021? later?
Hi @ziok,
Currently, I can’t share an exact ETA of the ReachView 3 app release. Once it’s out, we’ll post an update on the community forum.
Just to know if you are working into this update? Could you share a road map? When can we expect a such as feature? 1rst quarter? 2cnd quarter?
Hi @ziok,
Our ReachView 3 is out of beta now! You can read more about the release in our community forum post.
Please note that we’re still working on adding alternative maps view in the app.
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Hi guys,
I’m here with the news – starting with the 8.3 update, WMS layers are supported in Emlid Flow. To add them, you’ll need the Survey subscription. A step-by-step guide is available in our docs.