Discrepancy between drone-captured images and emlid request

Hello team,

We encountered issues during our recent flight operations. We observed the RINEX file data recorded had been broken into several seconds (see screenshot attached). We are seeking to identify the root cause of this anomaly.

Furthermore, during post-flight processing, a discrepancy was observed between the actual number of images captured by the drone and the expected number requested by Emlid Studio.

Flight 1: Drone captured 844 Emlid Studio requested 721

Flight 2: Drone captured 1337 Emlid Studio requested 501.

We would appreciate feedback on potential causes and recommendations for resolving these issues to ensure optimal data integrity for future flights.

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Hello everyone!
I had the same situation here.
I bought the ppk kit from Metta Technologies (Kit PPK MAVIC 2 Pro - METTATEC) back on march 2024.
After a dozen flights, I set aside this ppk kit because of the same issue described by Temitope related to the “actual number of images captured by the drone and the expected number requested by Emlid Studio”. I thought that the Pkk kit had some problems and ended up measuring a bunch of GCP to save the project, with lots of additional costs, and no time to report the issue back the issue to the Emlid forum.
The M2 used was fitted with the latest firmware available in march, which is 31.8. Now that I see Temitope post, I realize that could be another thing the source of the problem on those flights.
In another M2 with firmware 32.0 I had set as a base 2 weeks ago have the same problem described by Temitope as “RINEX file data recorded had been broken into several seconds”. Last week I had more than 1500 Rinex files stored in this M2, completely unusable, and making me lose the valuables base files to process the rovers’ data. But the same receiver work without issue 7/24 sending rtk corrections to my rover receivers during the same period.
How we as Emlid Users can use in a reliable way the M2 receivers, when a feature that used to work in a firmware version, completely fails in the next firmware versions? Something needs to be enhanced in the test procedures prior to releasing a new firmware?
I’m stuck in the issue of updating to 32.1 or 32.2 after been reading that there are some M2 bricked after updating to these versions. Currently I prefer not to update and live with the problems described above, than to have my M2 receivers bricked.
Please Emlid Team address this situation.
Thanks in advance
Diego Franco


I haven’t used mine in about 6 months. I think I did 2 updates on mine (bought in 2020 I think). I’m of the opinion if it ain’t broke, leave it be. I mostly use mine as static, have only used as Lora RTK a couple of times.

I’ll break mine out this week and check what version I’m running. I definitely won’t be upgrading if this is a software issue. I’m wondering why this last update was released without thoroughly checking. Sometimes I wonder if Emlid doesn’t have enough employees to really verify everything.


Hi @temitope,

Welcome to the community!

I believe I am in contact with you and your team via email. I suggest we continue there to keep the conversation in one place.

Also, I want to note that the issue of multiple RINEX files being created is a known issue in version 31.7. We fixed this issue, so I suggest updating the device to the latest version.


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Hi @dialfranco66

The missing time stamps can usually be attributed to the setup and/or data quality. Could you please send us the raw data logs with the missing timestamps along with a photo of your setup to support@emlid.com? We’ll investigate.

@EBE111057 and @dialfranco66,

Updating your receiver to the latest firmware version, v32.2, should not brick your device. We thoroughly tested our firmware before our releases and could not reproduce the issue on our end. Thank you!


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