Here’s a flight where there were no RTK Fixes during the flight (only RTK Float Fixes):
Here’s the post-processed solution:
Here’s a flight where there were no RTK Fixes during the flight (only RTK Float Fixes):
Here’s the post-processed solution:
could you please share log files from this flight?
Here are the logs and the processed files from my flights. The data for the charts above are in the raw_201701121704.UBX file and the associated converted files.
Here is another dataset I took today,
The KP Index was 0 and I had up to 8 GPS satellites with SNRs > 40. I let the RTK pair sit for 10 minute durations before I changed anything. I mostly just changed update rates. I started with 5 Hz for the Base and Rover, then 1 Hz, then 10 Hz and some other variations. I flew two 3 m hover flights at the end of the collection period just to test the accuracy of the Float solutions.
I was unable to get any RTK Integer Fixes today.
When I post processed the data, I was able to get a Fix.
Here are the solutions I obtained during live collections:
Here are the post-processed solutions:
Hi Rob, did you get the Rover Float/Fix problem resolved? I am having the same issues with the current firmware as of 7/3/2017. It seems to be a common problem in the forum when searching for “Float Fix.”
Hi Simon, I switched to using UBlox messages, increased the base station rate to 5 Hz, set the SNR filter to 40, lowered the horizon filter to 0 (I’ve seen 10 work as well) and changed these settings on the rover’s rtk.conf file (in /usr/bin/RTKLIB/app/rtkrcv):
ant2-postype =single
and add these two lines:
ant2-maxaveep =1
ant2-initrst =on # (0:off,1:on)
I also enabled GLONASS AR Mode if I was using GLONASS satellites. Sometimes I had better luck just using GPS satellites as well. I think there was a problem with SBAS sat processing so I didn’t enable those.
That being said, there have been fixes to the timestamp resolution in the RTCM3 messages since I ran my tests a few months ago and I was able to get a fix with RTCM3 messages. I used GPS, GLONASS and Galileo. I haven’t had a chance to test the current firmware very much for robustness compared to using the UBlox messages.I plan to do that this week.
Looks like this user lowered the update rate to .5 Hz rather than increase it and got better results:
The RTCM3 issue has been resolved, so please try it again. The 0.5 Hz update rate is better if radio bandwidth is limited and higher update rate will clog the channel.