RTK fix availability?

I repeated the above test but with RTCM messages updated at 0.5 Hz.

The results were much better. The system was able to maintain an age of differential of around 2 to 4 seconds. There was a brief period of time where it reached 10 to 15 seconds but it recovered.

Over the duration of this test I was able to achieve an RTK fix for about 90% of the time. There was only one significant drop out after the initial RTK fix.

Here are the log files:
Base: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzerpT_VD6w6bFBFUWNONTNGbXM/view?usp=sharing
Rover: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzerpT_VD6w6aG5Od3liWE5CVkk/view?usp=sharing