Hi @echoxs ,
I have a different type of unit RS and RS+, for now we use RS+ as Base and Rs as Rover … is this combination correct?
Reach RS+ and Reach RS are fully compatible with each another. The difference between the Reach RS and Reach RS+ is the processor inside. Reach RS has an Intel Edison processor, RS+ has Neutis N5. You can read more about it here: Reach RS and Reach Have Been Updated.
Another question, I’m from Indonesia, according to the location it seems like using Beidou, but sometimes we think Glonass is more agile … are there any wrong settings?
As Michael has mentioned, the choice of the satellite systems depends solely on your region and the time of the day you decide to run your tests. Before going on a mission, you can check the availability of satellites with any GNSS predicting tools, like GNSS-Radar or GNSS Mission Planning.
I once used the RS as a base and the RS + as a rover, which happened to hangs (it might be hot because it has been going on all day and into the night) …
Would you mind elaborating on the issue you’ve experienced with Reach RS+? Did the unit stop responding during the survey?