Diagram for navio2 for 6 engines

Please send the connection diagram for navio2 for 6 engines.
Please inform if in the 5 speed controllers I remove the red positive current wire on the servo rail?
Please inform if only one ESC connected the red positive current wire to the servo rail?
I have 2 servos to connect, please inform how I connect the 2 servos.
If an ESC is connected to the servo rail with the red power wire and the remaining 5 ESCs are not, the 2 servos and the 5 motors receive power from the ESC that is powering the servo rail?
Thank you.


Only one Red positive wire ESC (with BEC) can be connected to the servo rail. Some ESC are not with BEC and cannot power the servo rail. Some ESC without BEC need to be also powered by servo rail. Read the user manual of the ESC.

Use Navio out 9 to 14

Servo is powered from the servo rail (BEC). Other ESC are powered by main battery unless it is necessary (some opto isolated ESC).

Dear Marc
I beg your help
of the 6 engines only 3 turn on: number 1, 4 and engine 6
does not start engines 2, 3 and 5
Please inform how is the diagram for 6 engines?

I have it connected like this:
Motor 1 + ESC 1 to Servo Rail 1: signal - positive - negative
Motor 2 + ESC 2 to Servo Rail 2: signal - - negative
Motor 3 + ESC 3 to Servo Rail 3: signal - - negative
Motor 4 + ESC 4 to Servo Rail 4: signal - - negative
Motor 5 + ESC 5 to Servo Rail 9: signal - - negative
Motor 6 + ESC 6 to Servo Rail 10: signal - - negative

In a Spanish university degree thesis they configure it like this:
Motor 1 + ESC 1 to Servo Rail 1: signal - - negative
Motor 2 + ESC 2 to Servo Rail 2: signal - - negative
Motor 3 + ESC 3 to Servo Rail 3: signal - - negative
Motor 4 + ESC 4 to Servo Rail 4: signal - - negative
Motor 5 + ESC 5 to Servo Rail 5: signal - - negative
Motor 6 + ESC 6 to Servo Rail 6: signal - - negative

thanks for your help

Could you explain your choice? It is not the good configuration for hexacopter

Capture d’écran 2021-03-18 à 07.24.13

Have a look at https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/connect-escs-and-motors.html#checking-the-motor-numbering-with-the-mission-planner-motor-test for motor testing. You will have to calibrate the ESC before.

Please, can you share motor and esc data

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