Cytron 10a 5-30v dual channel dc motor driver


Can ArduPilot / Navio2 be used to control a simple brushed motor driver (PWM + direction pin, like this Cytron 10A 5-30V Dual Channel DC Motor Driver - RobotShop)?

Can’t find much information what signals servo rail can generate!


I can see that on Pixhawk it is possible to have relay pins (Relay Switch — Rover documentation) - is it the case for Navio2 also?

Hi @maxim.osipov,

Sorry for the delay!

Navio2 has 14 PWM outputs which can also be used as GPIOs. You need to configure the BRD_PWM_COUNT parameter in the MissionPlanner. This parameter defines PWM outputs reserved by ArduoPilot. Others can be used as GPIO outputs. To operate servo rail pins as GPIOs, please, follow this guide.

Thank you Svetlana!

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