Corrections cannot be received by the RS2+ rover when using hotspot mode & firmware v30.2

The problems that others have posted about recently, and that possibly relate to firmware update 30.2, each have had their own set of differences such as iOS, and RS+ and was why I begin this new thread.

Earlier this morning I updated the firmware on both RS2+ units from 30.1 to 30.2

Then I performed various tests after the firmware update and offer these observations in case they may somehow help to document the failure in case others are experiencing this with your RS2+ units.

The base was connected to the internet using our home WiFi and sending corrections via

When the rover was connected to same WiFi network during my initial local tests, there was no issue receiving corrections from

However, and finding out the hard way at the project site, when the rover and Emlid Flow were communicating using the RS2+ hotspot, and the Android (v13) device had good cellular signal, the connection with never happened.

Also while on the project site, I tried seeing if the RX could receive corrections and it could not, while noting good cell signal and Bluetooth.

After driving back home and then repeating these tests numerous times, including full power cycles, the issue persists.

The rover was able to show, however only most briefly, while in hotspot mode, that it was receiving corrections, but then corrections abruptly ceased.

Corrections cannot be received by the RS2+ rover when using hotspot mode.


Hi Kelly,

Firstly, you need to edit your links to

Just to confirm, the emild unit that is hosting the network is connected, via SIM, to the internet, correct?

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Hello Dave, and thank you for the reply.

The links to work fine if the base and rover are on the same WiFi network, for example when I tested corrections in our dooryard. It’s only when the rover is in hotspot mode connected to Emlid Flow with internet available on my Android 13 device via a cellular connection that corrections are not being properly received. For only an instant, the rover receives corrections, but then abruptly ceases.

No. The SIM card, which is in the RS2+ base unit, has never worked. Apparently, the Emlid RS2+ cannot enable Mobile data because the SIM card is an AT&T data only plan.

Is it possible to downgrade the firmware back to 30.1?

Haha… I meant in your original post where you typed the link multiple times as “”. :smile:

Did this work in a prior firmware? I would think that if you want to receive corrections over the internet, you will need to use the network on the device that has the internet connection. In other words, the Emlid does not have internet, so it can’t receive corrections. Emlid Flow on your phone can communicate with the receiver, but I don’t think it will also supply it with an internet connection if the Emlid is in host mode. If, rather, you connect the Emlid to your phone that does have an internet connection, then I would expect the Emlid to receive corrections. The way you are trying to use it seems inappropriate. But, if it worked like that for you on an earlier firmware, then disregard my comments.

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casting. That is funny :sweat_smile::

I would think that if you want to receive corrections over the internet, you will need to use the network on the device that has the internet connection. In other words, the Emlid does not have internet, so it can’t receive corrections.

You are probably correct. I have been testing the RX since about mid-May which is able to receive caster emlid com corrections via my cell phone over Bluetooth. But I apparently was wrong thinking that the RS2+ would similarly work in using my phone’s internet connection.

Did this work in a prior firmware?

I don’t know as these tests: base-wifi-caster; rover-hotspot-caster; only began today after the firmware change to 30.2

The odd part was seeing, albeit briefly, the rover receiving corrections using the caster-phone-hotspot workflow.

It will use your phone’s internet when the phone is the host network, or the connection is BLE. If the receiver is the host network via it’s hotspot, then I don’t think it will pull corrections from the phone’s internet.

Using the receiver’s network when it has an internet connection via SIM is fine. If no SIM and you want to pull corrections from the internet, then you need to have the receiver connect to your phone’s network instead. Or, use BLE, which is solid for me with the RX, but intermittent with the RS2.

Using the Emlid’s network (no SIM) when an internet connection is not needed, e.g. Local NTRIP or LoRa, works fine as well.


Thanks Dave for steering me in the right direction. I really appreciate your help on this!

I hadn’t configured the RS2+ rover’s WiFi to connect to my phone’s mobile hotspot. Now that the rover recognizes the phone’s network, it connects without issue. In a limited test (and in the rain & out of WiFi range), the rover received its corrections as expected.

Thanks again very much for your kind assistance Dave.
