Convert to Rinex vs Static Processing Background task: Antenna Delta Height Not Output to Rinex

I am using emlid flow to static process logs to determine a position.
My workflow is to log ubx file and convert in Emlid Studio.

During static processing, Emlid Studio is converting the ubx file to Rinex in the background, saving me having to do it manually, which is great :+1:

I have noticed that the Antenna Delta Height input during static processing is not being output correctly into the header of the new rinex file.

It is also not populating REC # / TYPE / VERS and ANT # / TYPE fields.

This is causing issues further into my workflow.
The resulting pos file is still correct though.

In my case, I have set Antenna height to 2m in emlid flow prior to processing the file.

If I convert the ubx manually using Convert to Rinex in Emlid Studio, the Antenna Delta Height is output correctly.

Static Processing:

     3.03           OBSERVATION DATA    M: Mixed            RINEX VERSION / TYPE
ES 1.8                                  20240530 144439 UTC PGM / RUN BY / DATE 
log: D:\Media\20240513-Lawns-Farm\03_PROJECT\01_DATA\DroneWoCOMMENT             
input_format: u-blox                                        COMMENT             
                                                            MARKER NAME         
                                                            MARKER NUMBER       
                                                            MARKER TYPE         
                                                            OBSERVER / AGENCY   
                                                            REC # / TYPE / VERS 
                                                            ANT # / TYPE        
  3772722.9758  -195720.5370  5121808.2101                  APPROX POSITION XYZ 
        0.0000        0.0000        0.0000                  ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
G    8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2X L2X D2X S2X                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
R    8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2C L2C D2C S2C                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
E    8 C1X L1X D1X S1X C7X L7X D7X S7X                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
S    4 C1C L1C D1C S1C                                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
C    8 C2I L2I D2I S2I C7I L7I D7I S7I                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
  2024     5    13     8    28   22.0020000     GPS         TIME OF FIRST OBS   
  2024     5    13    12    27    1.0070000     GPS         TIME OF LAST OBS    
G                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
R                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
E                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
S                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
C                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
  0                                                         GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #
 C1C    0.000 C1P    0.000 C2C    0.000 C2P    0.000        GLONASS COD/PHS/BIS 
                                                            END OF HEADER  

Convert to Rinex:

     3.03           OBSERVATION DATA    M: Mixed            RINEX VERSION / TYPE
ES 1.8                                  20240530 144643 UTC PGM / RUN BY / DATE 
log: D:\Media\20240513-Lawns-Farm\03_PROJECT\01_DATA\DroneWoCOMMENT             
input_format: u-blox                                        COMMENT             
                                                            MARKER NAME         
                                                            MARKER NUMBER       
                                                            MARKER TYPE         
                                                            OBSERVER / AGENCY   
                    EMLID REACH RS2+                        REC # / TYPE / VERS 
                    EML_REACH_RS2+  NONE                    ANT # / TYPE        
  3772722.9758  -195720.5370  5121808.2101                  APPROX POSITION XYZ 
        2.0000        0.0000        0.0000                  ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N
G    8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2X L2X D2X S2X                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
R    8 C1C L1C D1C S1C C2C L2C D2C S2C                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
E    8 C1X L1X D1X S1X C7X L7X D7X S7X                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
S    4 C1C L1C D1C S1C                                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
C    8 C2I L2I D2I S2I C7I L7I D7I S7I                      SYS / # / OBS TYPES 
  2024     5    13     8    28   22.0020000     GPS         TIME OF FIRST OBS   
  2024     5    13    12    27    1.0070000     GPS         TIME OF LAST OBS    
G                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
R                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
E                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
S                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
C                                                           SYS / PHASE SHIFT   
  0                                                         GLONASS SLOT / FRQ #
 C1C    0.000 C1P    0.000 C2C    0.000 C2P    0.000        GLONASS COD/PHS/BIS 
                                                            END OF HEADER

See how the Antenna Delta Height is 0.000 vs 2.000 between the two files.
The converted rinex file correctly has set the following fields:

  • REC # / TYPE / VERS
  • ANT # / TYPE

I guess this is a bug? Both rinex conversions should work in the same way?

The work around is to manually process the ubx to create the correct rinex file, use that rinex file in static processing and further into my workflow.


Hi Jason,

The main objective of the “Convert to RINEX” workflow is to convert the data, whereas the “Static Processing” workflow focuses on processing the data.

In the “Convert to RINEX” workflow, we need to input the antenna height before converting the data. Conversely, in the “Static Processing” workflow, the data is converted first, and then we input the antenna height. As a result, the antenna height is calculated for the processed file but is not recorded in the converted RINEX file.

Could you share more about your workflow? Do you need to use the RINEX file from the static processing later on? Is it possible for you to record the RINEX data from the beginning?

Thanks Merryna,
I was planning to use the rinex data from static processing, it would save an extra step.
Since static processing is converting to rinex in the background, I thought it would make sense for the conversion to work the same, as we are asked to enter antenna height anyway.

If “Static Processing” workflow is converting data first (before height is entered), that explains the difference in the files, this is the detail I was ove looking.

I could log Rinex data from the beginning, ubx gives some flexibility in the workflow.

eg. I may want to determine the the point or ground or the Antenna Reference Point (ARP) for different purposes.

There are two parts to my workflow:
Use static processing to determine accurate point from logs.
Generate bases sation data in rinex format for further processing of drone data.

Now I understand the difference, I will continue to process the 2 steps separately.


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