Connection problem with Navio2 and Qgroundcontrol

when ı wrote this code ı got this output

[ INFO] [1565015589.672727951]: Plugin imu loaded │pi@navio:~ $ roscore
[ INFO] [1565015589.719459641]: Plugin imu initialized │… logging to /home/pi/.ros/log/a83ce30c-b78d-11e9-8a32-b
[ INFO] [1565015589.720102665]: Plugin local_position load│827eb64b83c/roslaunch-navio-908.log
ed │Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhil
[ INFO] [1565015589.763343348]: Plugin local_position init│e.
ialized │Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
[ INFO] [1565015589.764018300]: Plugin manual_control load│Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
ed │
[ INFO] [1565015589.790125408]: Plugin manual_control init│started roslaunch server http://navio:33789/
ialized │ros_comm version 1.12.14
[ INFO] [1565015589.790817235]: Plugin param loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015589.813056251]: Plugin param initialized │
[ INFO] [1565015589.813747505]: Plugin rc_io loaded │SUMMARY
[ INFO] [1565015589.843533798]: Plugin rc_io initialized │========
[ INFO] [1565015589.844156197]: Plugin safety_area loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015589.876231669]: Plugin safety_area initial│PARAMETERS
ized │ * /rosdistro: kinetic
[ INFO] [1565015589.876943964]: Plugin setpoint_accel load│ * /rosversion: 1.12.14
ed │
[ INFO] [1565015589.904143630]: Plugin setpoint_accel init│NODES
ialized │
[ INFO] [1565015589.904928582]: Plugin setpoint_attitude l│auto-starting new master
oaded │process[master]: started with pid [919]
[ INFO] [1565015589.974952835]: Plugin setpoint_attitude i│ROS_MASTER_URI=http://navio:11311/
nitialized │
[ INFO] [1565015589.975707370]: Plugin setpoint_position l│setting /run_id to a83ce30c-b78d-11e9-8a32-b827eb64b83c
oaded │process[rosout-1]: started with pid [932]
[ INFO] [1565015590.084946393]: Plugin setpoint_position i│started core service [/rosout]
nitialized │
[ INFO] [1565015590.085808480]: Plugin setpoint_raw loaded│
[ INFO] [1565015590.163810108]: Plugin setpoint_raw initia│
lized │
[ INFO] [1565015590.164624956]: Plugin setpoint_velocity l│
oaded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.215477755]: Plugin setpoint_velocity i│
nitialized │
[ INFO] [1565015590.216182393]: Plugin sys_status loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.291826145]: Plugin sys_status initiali│
zed │
[ INFO] [1565015590.292733858]: Plugin sys_time loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.335739431]: TM: Timesync mode: MAVLINK│
[ INFO] [1565015590.345560729]: Plugin sys_time initialize│
d │
[ INFO] [1565015590.346002658]: Plugin vfr_hud loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.351491174]: Plugin vfr_hud initialized│
[ INFO] [1565015590.351959874]: Plugin waypoint loaded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.382587679]: Plugin waypoint initialize│
d │
[ INFO] [1565015590.383048879]: Plugin wind_estimation loa│
ded │
[ INFO] [1565015590.388478281]: Plugin wind_estimation ini│
tialized │
[ INFO] [1565015590.388751251]: Built-in SIMD instructions│
: None │
[ INFO] [1565015590.388845834]: Built-in MAVLink package v│
ersion: 2019.7.7 │
[ INFO] [1565015590.388950470]: Known MAVLink dialects: co│
mmon ardupilotmega ASLUAV autoquad icarous matrixpilot pap│
arazzi slugs standard uAvionix ualberta │
[ INFO] [1565015590.389034429]: MAVROS started. MY ID 1.24│
0, TARGET ID 1.1

stop there and ı haven’t connected qgroundcontrol could you help me please ?

ı modify my IP in /etc/default/arducopter
like that TELEM1=“-A udp:”
after sudo systemctl daemon-reload
and sudo emlidtool restart arducopter
ı did these

Hi @EmreEngin,

The next step after running roscore is running ardupilot. In TELEM options you should specify localhost IP: TELEM1="-A udp:".

By running a mavros node you can connect to your GCS. The command running mavros:
rosrun mavros mavros_node \
_fcu_url:=udp://:14650@ \

, where x.x.x.x is the IP of your computer with GCS.

Following this link, you can find our tutorial on how to launch ROS on Navio2.

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