Connecting Navio2 to QGroundControl

Windows 10, Navio2 with Raspberry Pi3, Ubuntu 16.04 (easier to ssh to the navio2)

Can’t connect to QGroundControl v3.1.3 on windows 10

It’s that simple.

I connect the Navio2 to the windows 10 PC vie USB and open QGroundControl. QGroundControl never detects the Navio Unit.

Per the Docs:

Here you can specify IP of your ground station.

TELEM1=“-A udp:”
#TELEM2=“-C /dev/ttyAMA0”

Options to pass to ArduPilot


-A is a console switch (usually this is a Wi-Fi link)

-C is a telemetry switch

Usually this is either /dev/ttyAMA0 - UART connector on your Navio

or /dev/ttyUSB0 if you’re using a serial to USB convertor

-B or -E is used to specify non default GPS

All lines marked ‘#’ are comments and have no effect.

For example, you’ll need to modify TELEM1 to point to your IP like this:

TELEM1=“-A udp:”

Where is the IP address of the device with the Ground Control Station - your laptop, smartphone etc.

My ip is hence my command was pi@navio:~ $ TELEM1=“-A udp:”

usb doesnt work that way, if anything its serial (not udp) and not in the rpis micro-usb port (power up only)
you need to connect your rpi to your network (ethernet or wifi)

Thank you.

You’ll need to follow these steps to get your drone up and running. I’m closing this thread as the original question has been answered.

I have qgroundcontrol installed on windows 10 machine.

From the documentation on installing and running ardupilot

For example, you’ll need to modify TELEM1 to point to your IP like this:

TELEM1=“-A udp:”

Where is the IP address of the device with the Ground Control Station - your laptop, smartphone etc.

the IP of my windows 10 machine on the same network is “”

I am able to ssh onto my navio2 and issue the ardupilot command:

pi@navio:~ $ TELEM1=“-A udp:”

What do I do next, when I plug my navio2 into the usb port on my windows 10 computer and open qgcs, nothing? The screen actually says “Connect your vehicle to your device and QGroundControl will automatically detect it.”

@george.staroselskiy, that is to funny, My topic was connecting “Connecting Navio2 to QGroundControl”

This is the exact wording of the instructions you linked to:


A crossplatform ground station for Mavlink-based flight stacks (like Ardupilot).

Forgive me, but I don’t see any solution?

My next post, when I have time was going to be:

I can connect to mission planner, but QGroundControl still says “Waiting on Device Connection, Connect your device”