Confused on setting up Coordinates in RTK

I want to make sure I am doing this work flow right Using RS3 Reach with tilt, to collect GPCs

NTRIP Provider (Washington State Reference Network)

** Datum used by CORS I mount to: Datum NAD83- 2011 Expressed in Ellipsoidal height (Meters)*

When setting up the project coordinate system I choose EPSG:6598 (NAD83(2011)/Washington South.

I am a little confused on Vertical Datum if I should be choosing Ellipsoidal height or NAVD88(GEOID12B)

When it comes to the Survey Settings Should I Turn off Tilt Compensation for shooting control as I am using a tripod and bubble? (In my initial tests I saw 24 cm difference between 2 collections of the same point without moving when I did 3 min averaging, with the only change being moving to about a 19 degree tilt…is this expected?

I have FIX only turned on for Collection Rules.

For collect mode:
Should I be using Averaging or instant?

Is it possible to collect my points in the local state plane?

If you want your GCP’s to have ground elevations you need to use a GEOID. If you are working on a construction site make sure you use the GEOID referenced on the plans. Most of the newer stuff is on GEOID18 but I still see a lot of older surveys that were done with 12B. For GCP’s I turn tilt off, use a bipod and run a 2-minute fixed average. It would also be good practice to loop back through them afterwards with stakeout to verify after you fly, before you leave. That should provide enough time for the constellation geometry to change enough to provide a confident backup.