April 18, 2021, 3:22am
ya he hecho todo seguido todos los tutoriales, pero no logrado conectar por bluetooth mi reach rs+ con mi tableta dell vebue win 8,1 a travez de fieldgenius, que funciona muy bien con un trimble.
I have already done everything followed all the tutorials, but failed to connect by bluetooth my reach rs+ with my tablet dell vebue win 8.1 through fieldgenius, which works very well with a trimble.
I am having the OPPOSITE trouble with a Trimble NOMAD 6G data collector. But works fine on my Windows 10 surface devices and desktop. This was after FIRMWARE 26 update yesterday. Worked fine on all before that. It PAIRS. But will not stay connected.
Maybe see here:
After updating to Firmware 26, using ReachView 3, anyone else having Bluetooth connection issues with a Trimble Nomad 6G handheld data collector? Worked fine before the update.
In ReachView, the MAC address shows, and shows a very quick connect during pairing… and the Nomad says it connected during so… but after that, the Nomad will not connect again.
Works fine with my (2) Surface PCS and a desktop workstation.
Could be very well something of my own, but figured I’d ask just in case as I ha…