Code Library

I am trying to create a code library. I follow the advice within the app. I get a message saying the library contains duplicates and no other information. This is a csv file that has been successfully used with other surveying software. I would be greatful for any assistance. Thanks.


Hi Mick,

Could you share the file so I can check it? You can also send it to

Unable to load here, so I have emailed to support as requested. Thank You.


Hi Mick,

I received the data! I checked the data and I am able to see the root of the issue. There are duplicated codes. For example, this one:
Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 14.34.24
I also checked that there are characters that we don’t support in code, such as β€œ()” and β€œ_” I changed those to hyphens and was able to import the code.

I am emailing the edited files and more detailed information. Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.


Hi Merryna,
Thank you so much for your swift response. Thats perfect. I did not realise that the brackets were not supported.

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