CAN'T export to csv the waypoints of a survey after last update. Please help!

Hello Emlid Community,
after the last update (2.12) of reach view I’m encountering a serious problem because I can’t export the file of my survey. In fact, before this update I was able to export as .csv or Esri Shape my GCPs.
I tried many times but with no success, a dialog box appears saying “your report being exported please wait” but after 1 seconds it disappears and no file is created.

I tried both with my Lenovo tablet TB-8504X (android v. 7.1.1) and with my smartphone samsung galaxy A3 (android v. 8.0.0).
Before this update the Lenovo works great so I suppose that I have to return to the previous version of Reach View app, is it possibile ?
In the meanwhile, do you have some suggestion to download the data of my saved survey from my Rover Unit?

I am also attaching the simple report from my Lenovo (the Full report can’t be created so I suppose that this is another bug)

Simple system report
app version: 2.14.0-r0
'wifi_status, interface: wlan0':
- wifi_mode: ap
- access_point:
    band: bg
    channel: 1
    password: null
  is_added: true
  is_connected: true
  mac_address: 44:2C:05:FE:8A:51
  security: wpa-psk
  ssid: Dan-ROVER:95:4E
  uuid: 1dab3f18-9408-4bd3-9755-4c69e329084d
base mode:
  base coordinates:
    accumulation: '2'
    antenna offset:
      east: '0'
      north: '0'
      up: '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    - '0'
    format: llh
    mode: single-and-hold
    enabled: true
    format: rtcm3
    path: tcpsvr://:9000#rtcm3
    type: tcpsvr
  rtcm3 messages:
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '0.1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: true
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
      enabled: false
      frequency: '1'
  discoverable: false
  enabled: false
  pin: '***'
correction input:
    enabled: true
    format: rtcm3
    path: lora
    send position to base: 'off'
    type: lora
    enabled: false
    format: rtcm3
    path: :9028
    type: tcpsvr
    format: RTCM3
    started: true
    version: null
    format: RTCM3
    started: true
    version: null
  interval: 24
  overwrite: true
    format: UBX
    started: true
    version: null
    format: LLH
    started: true
    version: null
  air rate: '9.11'
  frequency: 868000
  output power: '20'
position output:
    enabled: true
    format: nmea
    path: bluetooth
    type: bluetooth
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :9001
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2014
    type: tcpsvr
    enabled: true
    format: llh
    path: :2015
    type: tcpsvr
rtk settings:
  elevation mask angle: '15'
  glonass ar mode: 'on'
  gps ar mode: fix-and-hold
  max horizontal acceleration: '6.7'
  max vertical acceleration: '1'
  positioning mode: kinematic
  positioning systems:
    compass: false
    galileo: true
    glonass: true
    gps: true
    qzs: true
    qzss: false
    sbas: true
  snr mask: '35'
  update rate: '1'

Thanks in advance for your support!

Use browser with IP address of your Reach in meantime until they fix it.

Thank you Timd!
It works great! However I really hope that this bug will be resolved asap !

All the best

Hi @Dan86,

We’ll fix the issue with Android app in the next ReachView release.

This is still an issue with my Android phone; does anybody know when it will be fixed?

Hi @Bruce_Power_Comm_Ass,

The issue was fixed in ReachView v2.17 dev update. To update the firmware, you should subscribe on dev updates in ReachView Settings.

Note, that the Android app should be updated too.

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