Can't download RINEX files from the logs page

Why I can not download the RINEX data from the logs page . Only appears this sentence but nothing happened then .

then refresh

reupdating Reachview fixed this for me.

it also doesn’t resolve my issue

Can you try clearing cache of your browser? Also does it happen on a different device/browser?

I had to clearing cache files of my browser, has been using a PC or laptop to try download RINEX files of this reach, but always failed .

This problem does not occur on another reach, in the same browser or a different browser. I easily download RINEX files from a browser on another reach.
I 'll try to reflash again but I am not quite sure, because I have done it several times

Please do not reflash the device yet, let’s try to find out what might have gone wrong. If you wait longer, will it start downloading? On the latest update the conversion procedure takes a little longer.

Okay, I’ll try

And please also try reupdating again.

Looks similar to my problems. I get the conversion running , with a second countdown. Then “your download will start shortly”, then nothing.

I connected to the via ssh and checked, there was only the raw ubx file.
When I copy it manually and try to convert with RTKCONV, this also failed (real log error). SO maybe the ubx log was corrupted? I recored GPS + GLONASS at 5Hz. ReachView 0.31

Will also update reachview.

The conversion timer is only an estimate. I’ve pushed an update to make the timers a little bit more realistic.

I have had this issue a few times, but restarting the Reach unit has always fixed it - so I guess that’s not much help if you have already tried it…

For me it works now with updated reachview 0.3.3.
Thanks for the quick replies and fixes!

Yes, it’s work now after updated reachview.
Thank you