Can Rs+ and Rs2 work together in Lora Mode?

Can Rs+ and Rs2 work together in Lora Mode?

Hi Josep,

Yes, it’s possible. You can configure a LoRa radio to transmit corrections from one Reach receiver to the other. But I don’t recommend using Reach RS2 rover with Reach RS+ base, as Reach RS2 requires multi-band base corrections to calculate Fix. In this case, it’ll be better to use Reach RS2 as a base. You can additionally check the guide on tune LoRa radios on Reach base and rover.

Also, since you work with Reach RS+, note that the baseline shouldn’t exceed 10 km. This is the maximum distance for Reach RS+.


Thanks for the information


Hello Elena,
I would add a question to this thread since I am interested in the purchase of a Reach RS2 but I also already have two RS+ units. In my region, I have CORS in the range of 40 KM transmitting NTRIP corrections with L1 and L2 frequencies. The provider of NTRIP corrections says that such corrections are in the order of centimetres when one uses a rover with double frequencies (L1+L2) capabilities (such RS2). However, if I use the same CORS stations but with different mount points which allow working with mono frequency (L1) receivers such as the RS+, they transmit only corrections with meter accuracy. So my question would be the following:
Could I use a reach RS2 unit as configured as a base to receive L1+L2 NTRIP corrections from a CORS and then cast such centimetric corrections via Lora radio to my Reach RS+ rover unit ?
In this way, I could have centimetric corrections and a shorter baseline between reach units.

Thanks for your support!

Hi Daniele,

Indeed, using the Reach RS2 as a base can be a good option. You wrote that CORS stations are available to you. So, you can determine the absolute coordinates of a point using Reach RS2. A receiver can’t work as a correction transmitter between a remote station and another rover. However, you can place your Reach RS2 on this known point and configure it as a base. In this case, Reach RS2 will transmit its own corrections to your Reach RS+. Since the rover position is precisely determined relative to the base position, you will get absolute centimeter accuracy with your Reach RS+.

Also, want to note that corrections can be sent via LoRa if the baseline will not exceed 8 km in line of sight. Another way, you can set up transmitting corrections between the base and rover over the Internet.

Hi Elena,
many thanks for your quick reply! You have pointed out a very interesting aspect so now I know that a receiver can’t work as a correction transmitter between a remote station and another rover. Indeed, I can’t use it for transmitting live correction directly from the CORS station to my rover unit. So if I have well understood your suggestion, I should determine my base absolute coordinates by using RTCM correction from the CORS, taking note and then adding them manually as base coordinates.
Many thanks again for your valuable suggestion !!

All the best,

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Yes, that seems right. Glad to know this info is helpful for you!

Hi Daniele,

I thought about your question again and want to make one thing clearer.

You can also get centimeter-level accuracy with the Reach RS+ and CORS. For that, the distance between your Reach RS+ and remote NTRIP station shouldn’t exceed 10 km in RTK. You can additionally check the positioning specs in the Reach RS+ datasheet.

Hello Elena,
thanks again for your support. I suppose that the problem rely on the signal used by the CORS which in turn influence the receiver that I should. In fact, on the website of the provider of NTRIP correction is reported the following information:

"Depending on the type of survey to be carried out, it is possible to select one of the following MountPoints:

NRT2-Lazio: RTCM2.3 (18.19)
NRT3-Lazio: RTCM3.1
Provides correction in standard RTCM version 2 or 3 formats of the nearest station. Provided via NTRIP. Centimetre accuracy with dual-frequency rover.

GIS-IMAX2-Lazio: RTCM2.3 (1,2)
Provides code-only correction in standard RTCM2 format of the area closest to the rover’s location. The IMAX correction does not provide the rover with direct station measurements but is processed by the Computing Center and sent to the optimized Rover based on the Rover’s first known position. This does not allow the rover to check for the optimal solution. The measure is always traceable as it refers to physical and real monuments. Provided via NTRIP. Metric accuracy with single frequency rover."

So for this reason I asked you if I could use it to receive the best and accurate correction with a dual-frequency base unit (Reach RS2 ) and cast such corrections towards a single frequency rover unit (Reach RS+) unit via Lora.

To be honest I don’t know why with some mount points they can provide better accuracies for dual-frequency (L1+L2) compared to the other mono-frequency signals…

Hi Daniele,

Thanks for the information you shared!

Well, I can hardly tell you exactly why this CORS station works that way, too. However, the Reach RS+ is capable of receiving multi-band corrections to achieve centimeter-level accuracy. Have you tried connecting to the NRT3-Lazio mount point with your Reach RS+?

Hi Elena,
Many thanks for letting me know that also Reach RS+ plus can receive multi-band corrections. So I should consider also my Reach RS+ unit as a real beast :sunglasses: :muscle:
Indeed I tried the NTRIP services but with the NRT3-Lazio I have not had success since the connection seems not broadcasted by the CORS. The same happens with the GI_IMAX2-Lazio. However, in their list of mount points, I tried another one which is MAX3-Lazio. Its description is the following:

MAX3-Lazio: RTCM3.1

Provides RTCM 3 standard format correction of the area closest to the rover’s location.

The MAX correction provides the measurements of the nearest reference station (MASTER) and the differences between the MASTER and other neighboring stations (AUXILIARY). In this way the rover can reconstruct the measurements of all the stations in its area (MASTER + AUXILIARIES) and thus have a complete situation of the ionosphere and the troposphere above it.

The rover is able with this information to check its solution (the fix) according to the optimal strategy. The measure is always traceable as it refers to physical and real monuments. Provided via NTRIP. Centimeter accuracy with dual-frequency rover.

With this mount point, I can see in the status bar both float and finally fix solutions :partying_face:

The connection was not very good since I have my unit on the balcony between other buildings :sweat_smile:

Many thanks again for your great support!

All the best,

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Hi Daniele,

Wow, glad to hear about your success! That’s very good news :slightly_smiling_face:

One more thing. I noticed that you work with our old Reach Panel app, and I’d like to suggest you use ReachView 3. It has all the latest features and improvements. It’d be very nice if you could test it and share your feedback with us!

Hi Elena,
I am using RechView 3 but after connecting my device via wifi I go to the Reach panel and the old interface is displayed as a new webpage. For me it’s ok because I am familiar with that GUI but I will try to better explore the app soon.


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Hi Elena, maybe I’m mistaken, but isn’t this a typo and it should read “RS2 is capable of receiving multi-band corrections” instead of RS+.
RS+ = Single-Band L1, and RS2 = Multi-band, L1,L2.
Regards, Mark

Hi @mark1st.john,

Yes, that’s right. Reach RS+ is a single band receiver, while Reach RS2 is a multi-band one. However, Reach RS+ is capable of receiving corrections that have more than just L1 frequencies. For example, the Reach RS+ can receive corrections from a Reach RS2 receiver.

In this case, it won’t give all the advantages of a multi-band system because Reach RS+ will only use L1 frequencies. But it allows our single-band receiver to work with both base stations that transmit single-band corrections and multi-band ones :slightly_smiling_face:

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