I would like to konw if it’s possible to connect directly the RS2 to a camera or I need the M2 module (in this case can I connect the RS2 to the module) ?
The project is to use a camera mounted on a car (collect one photo per sec) and use the reach rs to acquire the correct position
Technically it’s possible. You need to connect Reach’s bottom connector to the camera’s hot shoe. Time events are recorded in the log each time camera triggers. This pinout scheme can be of help in your setup.
You need a base log in this case as well. You can record it with your own base or take it from the CORS network if it’s at your disposal. Then, you can do a PPK in Emlid Studio and obtain events with centimeter-level accuracy.
Hi Kirill
thx for support
So I need to built the cable and do you think that the easiest way is to use your camera hot shoe adapter and connect the opposite part with the RS232 cable ?
I realize that it’s a bit tricky, but it’s the only way I can suggest in this case. Reach M2 is easier to connect since we have this hot shoe cable, and you don’t need to solder it yourself.
thx for suggestion and sorry to bother you but we have to close an inportant project and probably we can’t receive the M2 in time so … I’ve checked that when the reachview app is connected to RS2 the camera control option isn’t available so the question is if we are able to “create” the cable (RS2 to camera) we are able to collect the photos with the correct gpstimestap in order to post process ? thx in advance
Reach RS2 has the Event pin on RS232 port, so it can record time marks for photos. And you can post-process them to obtain coordinates afterward. But creating a custom cable may be a complicated task. And unfortunately, we can’t guide you through that as there is no standard way to do that.