I have a Maxtena M1227HCT-A2-SMA L1/L2 active antenna installed roughly 15 cm behind and 20 cm above my camera center and I believe this will certainly cause propagated error after Post-processing. Just want to know is there any extra step that I can take to have these offsets mitigated? Is this something we can do in RTKPOST or it is usually taking care of by photogrammetry software? Thanks!
I can’t speak for the others, but Photoscan allows for the application of GPS/Photo offsets
Assume Pix4D does.
Maps made Easy doesn’t.
The Exif information is there to undetake the corrections prior to processing in SFM software.
Thanks very much for your input and I will definitely take a look at the settings for Photoscan as well as Pix4d. In the meantime, I notice that in RTKPOST tool → Option → Position tab we can somehow check and select antenna type as well as specify Delta in E/N/U format which I don’t really know what that means. I happened to find the below link and not sure if this is a valid approach:
Thanks Simon, I believe you are correct. I will find a better way to re-position the antenna on top of the camera center, in that case I can theoretically zero horizontal offset leaving vertical offset which seems will be a good improvement.