Base Settings Ellipsoidal Height in meters VS. SFT

I set up a base on a known point with an Ellipsoidal Height of -106.817 sft. The antenna height is 2.134 (7.001 SFT). On the base setting screen, your system converts the ellipsoidal height of the base to -32.680 meters, equaling -107.218 sft. This is a diffrence of 0.401 sft. Why such a difference?

Curious why you write “sft”?

Survey feet? Probably using a coordinate system in survey feet vs international feet?

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I figured but that’s for horizontal datum… just making sure I wasn’t missing something.

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Emlid shows ellipsoidal heights in survey ft for US NAD83 projections and related geoid vertical models. The question remains, is there a meter to sft software conversion error?


I see what you are saying. That’s just an annotation error. A vertical foot is a foot. Are your elevations negative?

You might want to get a head start and email your full system report report and the project file to to see what they can find.

It may be a simple setup/settings error.


Hi @alagha,

I tried to reproduce this behaviour with a point of the same elevation, but for me, it was converted properly. To investigate it additionally, I’ll need some details about your workflow.

Can you please send me the project from which this particular point was selected? I’d try it with that, too. Also, are you using an Android or an iOS device?

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