Base or rover file contains no observation data

I have made measurements with an RS2, saving raw data to an .ubx file and also to a Rinex 2.12 file. While measuring in real time with the app, everything is fine. However, if I try to postprocess the raw/Rinex data in Emlid Studio I get the error “Base or rover file contains no observation data” when I try the Rinex file, and a “Something went wrong” error if I use the .ubx.

A file with NMEA acquired at the same time contains correct data.

For corrections, I use downloaded Rinex from the Swedish cadastre. They work in other processing software we have.

Any hints?


I’ll be happy to provide example files and debug information, but I can’t see where to upload them.

Hi Peter,

You can send the data to, and we’ll take a look at them.

Hi Peter,

I’ve checked the logs you shared via email. The data can be processed well, but it gives only a Single solution. The reason is that the periods for the base and rover don’t intersect.

Please try to process the rover data with a base log that includes the 12.12 - 12.14 GPST interval. If you face any difficulties, let me know!

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