I am new to the EMLID community and would like some assitance in PPKing a base station point with NTRIP corrections. I am unable to obtain FIX results from the static processing.
I have uploaded the base station data, along with the Observation and Navigation files for the processing:
If somone could look at them to see what I am doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for checking it out. However, it was my understanding that the logs from my EMLID use local time (Spain), while the logs from the NTRIP reference station use UTC +2. The logic I was using is as follows:
The Emlid receiver time log is 9:13am -10:58.
The NTRIP Service LOGS 11:00 - 12:00 and 12:00 - 13:00.
When i face float only or poor Fix I always start with the GPS system only and enable more system as I need.
With your data I started with GPS ONLY and combined forward/backward with 100% Fixed solution. Try this first and enable more systems if you like.
First thing to check when doing a PPK, aside from the log data quality, is to ensure that the observation log from the base covers the rover’s observation time. Time conversion might be confusing sometimes. You can check the log or ES to see both data logs in GPS time (GPST).
For processing, I’d like to start with the default settings and change the filter type to Combined. Also, as @TB_RTK suggested, it is a nice trick to begin with GPS only and then add more systems.