Base Antenna height in post-processing - where to find input value from project?

For the Rover, it’s in the EmlidFlow app csv output file. It’s saved for each reading in the Antenna height field. So for me that’s a 1.8m pole, plus an offset of .134m for the APC offset.

Name Code Easting Northing Elevation Description Longitude Latitude Ellipsoidal height Origin Tilt angle Easting RMS Northing RMS Elevation RMS Lateral RMS Antenna height Antenna height units Solution status
gcp 1 379.153 sw inside field 430.605 Global 1 0.012 0.012 0.011 0.016 1.934 m FIX
gcp 2 375.646 sw inside field by wall 427.094 Global 1 0.012 0.012 0.011 0.016 1.934 m FIX

For your Base, it should be in the header of the RINEX log files. This is from the .24O of my RS3:

                    EMLID REACH RS3                         REC # / TYPE / VERS 
                    EML_REACH_RS3   NONE                    ANT # / TYPE        
  3600000.7483  -140000.0329  5194790.7310                  APPROX POSITION XYZ 
        1.8000        0.0000        0.0000                  ANTENNA: DELTA H/E/N

It doesn’t seem to save the 0.134m APC offset in there, just the height to the base of the unit.

Hope that helps.

(Edit… just spotted you’re asking about the .ubx, not RINEX. This might help…on the rs2 does ubx log contain arp adjustment )