Average Single Position

I set up my RS2 base the other day over an unknown point and used the average single (2 min.) to establish a relative position. Then went on to locate some boundary points with the rover. Since I had the base logging over 4 hours I sent it off to OPUS for processing the next day. My problem is that, I believe, I should have written down the base coordinates before shutting down the unit as I can’t seem to find them other than the Rinex file.
I’ve received the OPUS solution so I can re-set my base on it and relocate the points, but would rather not.
Thanks, Rob

Disregard that last post. I just found the base position listed at each point that was collected. Too impatient

Hi @Beartow,

Thank you for posting the solution. It will be useful for others to know that if you collected the points, you can check the base position in Emlid Flow:

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