Application does not connect while IP address does in Explorer

As stated in title, I can’t connect ReachView3 (latest update) to RS2 with phone hotspot, while PC connected to same hotspot can connect through
A known reason for this ?

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Updated RS2 in beta, still same problem with Wifi, but can connect with Bluetooth.

Do the receivers have the latest (stable) firmware installed?
What devices have you tried?
What OS?

I m on Android. I switched from latest stable release to beta with improvement on Bluetooth. I wanted to go to BT anyway, following an article I saw here.
So I am quite happy, but still can’t understand why wifi connection is such an issue.
I am a long time Reach user, with first RS units, and never had the issue before.

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Hi Pascal,

The Wi-Fi connection can be painful, indeed :sweat_smile: That’s why we decided to go with BLE in the end, as it’s a more straightforward connection.

The difficulties can be connected to the limitations of the Android OS. Can you please specify what phone you use, and what Android version is installed there?

Please make sure you disable the Mobile data in your phone while connecting to Reach’s hotspot, though, as it may be the most popular reason why the unit is not visible in ReachView 3 app.

Also, the full system report from your Reach device may help us to identify the issue.


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