Advice on approach to application


I’m developing an application and I would really appreciate some insight either in telling me if my ideas are worth trying or not.
The summary of my application is:

  1. I’m working with one Reach with NTRIP correction.
  2. The device will be moving slowly in general (with periods of time being stopped).
  3. It’s not important to have a lot of measurements, since I only want to know the location of the points where the device stopped. I do need though, that after filtering the data, what’s left has to be precise.

Those 3 points are fairly easy to achieve with Reach under good conditions. My problem is that I won’t have good sky view most of the time, since the Reach will be in a vehicle doing work under trees.

I’ve tried the performance of the Reach under similar circumstances and I got good measurements, as much as really bad ones, this gives me hope that what I want to do is doable.

For what I could read on the forum this is pretty different from what people is using Reach for, so I don’t pretend a solution I’m just looking for opinions and/or advice on this project.

Things I’ve consider (couldn’t try them yet due to the weather):

  1. I’m under the impression that by raising the “Elevation mask angle” I should get more reliable measurements, is this right?
  2. Applying some filter (e.g. Kalman) to the position output; not quite sure if will be helpful though.

If I miss some important information please point it out.
Any comment/suggestion/idea will be appreciated.

Best regards,

[EDIT]: I did get better results discarding data with speed greater than a parameter, stil I have points that are wrong for sure. Is the speed value in GPVTG sentences calculated in base of positions?Or does it came from an internal IMU?.

Hi Santiago,

Sound possible to me, I would maybe try to get an external reference to get the moment when the vehicle stops. You can usually understand when the wheels are stationary. Could be a good moment to start logging FIX positions. This logic has to be implemented outside of Reach, but it should be fairly easy to do.

GPVTG comes from GNSS measurements.

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