Accurate known location for base station (without NTRIP)

I am looking to purchase a Reach RS base and rover in the coming few weeks.
I will be using it for setting GCP’s for Drone Surveys.
Often, I will be able to set the base over a known mark (that was precisely surveyed).
However, when no known marks are in close proximity (and with NTRIP), what is the best way to set a known mark using the Reach system.

It appears from the Reach RS docs, that I can post-process an hour+ of base station data to get an accurate point.
Is this correct?
Can I use both Reach RS’s as a base station each and do two points at a time?
If this is the best method, when I get my units, is someone able to walk me through the process the first time?

Kind regards,

It can process yes, but need correction data e.g CORS, OPUS etc or other service. If you have access this would be no prolem.


Drop a question in the forum and i am sure someone will help you.

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

“It can process yes, but need correction data e.g CORS, OPUS etc or other service. If you have access this would be no problem.”

What if I do not have access to a correctional service?
But do have two Reach Units?
What would be the most accurate method in that case? And how accurate would I expect the result to be?

Kind regards,

You could do long range static processing, with base at known point.
How far away are you from closest known point to an area you need new point?

Hi TB,
I was just told that there are two free correctional stations about 50km from where I would like to set a new known point. Is that distance usable?

The closest known point would be about 20km away.

Kind regards,

I would probably go for static measure. I think you should get good result with that.
Do 3 surveys with an hour between to rule out any errors

Great, thank you.
Is there a document on here somewhere detailing the process?
Does the static measurement utilise the correctional station 50km away?

Does the Reach RS state the likely accuracy during measurements? I’ve seen on some traditional surveying receivers that they show a live feed (when in RTK) of the current accuracy eg. 32mm.

Thanks again,

Recommende baseline is 10km but longer range is possible. At this range i dont thing there are any documentation of accuracy but rtkplot will display info about avg,std and rms of possition.

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