Accelerometer Calibration Timeout

RaspberryPi2 and Navio2 running APM Planner 2.0.18 in Windows.
Accelerometer calibration just timesout. I press the button in APM Planner and it just counts down from 40 to timeout.

Any thoughts? Does this on both Windows Vista and Windows 10.

Data from Python script:

Acc: -0.010 +0.016 +0.993 Gyr: +0.488 -0.061 -0.244 Mag: -3502.385 +30.220 +0.000
Acc: -0.016 +0.007 +0.991 Gyr: +0.488 -0.183 -0.122 Mag: -36.039 +53.785 +2.948
Acc: -0.014 +0.001 +0.997 Gyr: +0.610 -0.061 -0.183 Mag: -36.039 +56.663 +7.111
Acc: -0.013 +0.007 +0.995 Gyr: +0.305 -0.122 -0.183 Mag: -32.991 +59.721 +8.325
Acc: -0.007 +0.005 +0.994 Gyr: +0.305 +0.000 +0.000 Mag: -33.529 +55.224 +4.336

I would recommend using Missionplanner on Windows systems.

Got MIssion Planner working now (had issues before), and the accel calibration worked fine.
Thanks Sebastian.

The same on Mac. What would You recommend ?

Sorry, guys. But we’ve also switched to MissionPlanner because of the issue. mavproxy would do, but it’s way more difficult to work with, so I cannot recommend it, either. So I assume, we need to stick to MP for a while, because it’s the only GCS that’d been kept up to date.