23O not logged

Hi there,
me and my team used Emlid Reach RS2 since a while. We always logged the raw data files in Rinex 3.03. Today, after a survey, at the time of downloading the data, it appears that only the *.23B and *.23P files where logged. The *.23O is missing. Anyone had that issue before? Any idea what can have cause this and if there’s any possibility the 23O could have been logged somewhere?

Hi Gregoire,

Welcome to our community!

Could you please send the Full system report from the device to support@emlid.com? I’ll check the internal logs to see if this file was recorded.

Just in case, please access Reach via its IP address shown in the app. You need to input it in the browser address bar and it should open the Reach Panel. There you can find the Logging tab and check if the log is there.

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