1st Drone Build: Navio2 on F450 + LTE + Joystick(no radio) + MissionPlanner/QGroundControl

I’m building my 1st drone ever with Navio2 that is supposed to be flying completely pre-programmed waypoint missions. All telemerty and control should be done over 3G/LTE. Waiting for Logitech joystick to arrive. Will add Raspberry Pi V2 camera and gstreamer as soon as I’m able to get it to fly.

Still did not get it to arm. Working thru PreArm errors…
Any input like ideas, hints, params for this type of buiild are VERY welcomed!

See the pics below.


Hi @vpozniy,

This drone is quite good for the 1st one :slightly_smiling_face:
Hope you’ll reach all your project goals.

Would be nice to see more technical details in case someone wants to build a similar frame.

Looking forward to the flight video!

Great job Vladimir. Looks good. Look forward to your flight experience. BTW, what is that white rectangular box that is connected to the USB?

That is Huawei E8372h 4G modem for telemetry.

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