Z information from reach compare to other GNSS: 50 m of difference!


We have used 3 different GNSS in our drone (ublox, ellipse & reach). The Z information from ublox and ellipse are very similar (Z= 152,66 m) in contrast to the reach one (Z=200,2 m) (more information below as attached file .txt are not allowed)!

I suppose it is a difference in the reference datum, but could we have more information on this?



Ellipse (au sol) :
Time Stamp GPS Date GPS Time UTC Date UTC Time Roll Pitch Yaw Latitude Longitude Pitch Yaw Altitude MSL Status Num Sv Used Latitude Longitude Altitude MSL
(s) (YYYY-MM-DD) (HH:MM:SS.SS (YYYY-MM-DD) (HH:MM:SS.SS (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (°) (m) (-) (int) (°) (°) (m)
34.042 2018-05-25.032 15:11:45.032 2018-05-25.032 15:11:27.032 0.909 1.914 159.240 50.5639149000 4.6998738000 153.427 DIFF 15 50.5639173157 4.6998757286 152.664961
34.086 2018-05-25.076 15:11:45.076 2018-05-25.076 15:11:27.076 0.911 1.915 159.244 50.5639149000 4.6998738000 153.427 DIFF 15 50.5639173096 4.6998757775 152.665784
34.130 2018-05-25.120 15:11:45.120 2018-05-25.120 15:11:27.120 0.911 1.915 159.243 50.5639149000 4.6998738000 153.427 DIFF 15 50.5639173097 4.6998757771 152.665762
34.174 2018-05-25.164 15:11:45.164 2018-05-25.164 15:11:27.164 0.908 1.913 159.243 50.5639149000 4.6998738000 153.427 DIFF 15 50.5639173104 4.6998757708 152.665634
34.218 2018-05-25.208 15:11:45.208 2018-05-25.208 15:11:27.208 0.909 1.914 159.244 50.5639149000 4.6998738000 153.427 DIFF 15 50.5639173112 4.6998757645 152.665505

% (lat/lon/height=WGS84/ellipsoidal,Q=1:fix,2:float,3:sbas,4:dgps,5:single,6:ppp,ns=# of satellites)
% GPST latitude(deg) longitude(deg) height(m) Q ns sdn(m) sde(m) sdu(m) sdne(m) sdeu(m) sdun(m) age(s) ratio
2018/05/25 15:11:45.000 50.563908231 4.699875495 200.2006 1 6 0.0153 0.0074 0.0153 0.0073 0.0048 0.0029 0.99 999.9
2018/05/25 15:11:45.200 50.563908257 4.699875534 200.1999 1 6 0.0150 0.0073 0.0150 0.0072 0.0047 0.0028 0.19 999.9
2018/05/25 15:11:45.400 50.563908179 4.699875521 200.1940 1 6 0.0150 0.0073 0.0150 0.0072 0.0047 0.0028 0.39 999.9
2018/05/25 15:11:45.600 50.563908223 4.699875531 200.2013 1 6 0.0151 0.0073 0.0151 0.0072 0.0047 0.0028 0.59 999.9
2018/05/25 15:11:45.800 50.563908226 4.699875495 200.1909 1 6 0.0152 0.0073 0.0152 0.0073 0.0047 0.0029 0.79 999.9

You are comparing WGS84 altitude with MSL altitude. Those are different. Google is your friend here.


Check the difference between your ellipsoid (wgs84) to your Geoid height. WGS84 isn’t much use when surveying : ) This is a great one hour tutorial: https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/training/datums.html

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