Standalone surveying with rs2+

Discrepancies in RS2+ accuracy:

  • The significant difference in accuracy between RTK and single mode (80+ cm) suggests issues with the single mode configuration or performance. Consider investigating the antenna settings, satellite visibility, and environmental factors.
  • While setting up a base station improves accuracy, the significant deterioration at greater distances (90 miles) raises questions about the base station setup and communication effectiveness.

Handheld mapper performance:

  • The consistently good accuracy of the handheld mapper (30cm or under) is impressive, especially considering its age and lack of subscription fees.
  • The “differential” received by the mapper could indeed be SBAS, which provides additional corrections for improved accuracy.


Thanks for double-checking. I was talking about the multi-band receivers since we are discussing RS2+. I’ll update my previous answer to reflect that. On a single-band unit, the effect of the SBAS corrections is quite low.

Yes, I can confirm that the multi-band units do indeed work with SBAS corrections.


Thanks @olesia.riman for that update.
(I edited one of my earlier comments regarding this).

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OK yes I would include staking or anything where you need to move the unit to the position as necessary uses of RTK

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