RS2 losing connection to iPhone in Emlid Flow

We are using Reach RS2 as a base station, and DJI M 300 as a rover for surveying.

When we configure the coordinates using NTRIP service for about 20 minutes, it disconnects randomly in Emlid Flow around 10-15 minutes during the process.
Full report: (2.5 MB)

How long should we configure the base station to get a centimeter precise coordinate? We are doing Average FIX using an NTRIP service.

Hi Jinwen,

Welcome to our community!

Average FIX can provide a centimetre-accurate base position even with short averaging times. I recommend using a few minutes of averaging.

Still, the Emlid Flow connection shouldn’t behave this way even after 15 minutes, so I’d like to look into it. I noticed that your Reach RS2 is on firmware 31.8. Can you please update it to firmware 32 and check if you experience the same?

Besides, are you using the latest version of Emlid Flow - version 11.2?

Hello Kornel,

I’ve updated firmware to 32 and tried again.
First time we set configuration time to 20 minutes, then we turned off the phone display, after about 8 minutes, our phone disconnected to Emlid Flow.
After the base reconnected, we tried averaging for 20 minutes again but this time we left our phone’s display on the whole time while the base is averaging; and we were able to get a coordinate.

I think the problem was that we turned off the display of the phone, that’s why it disconnects to Emlid Flow.

Hi Jinwen,

Yes, the connection in Emlid Flow may be lost if the mobile phone’s screen is locked. Still, the averaging will be performed on the receiver.

Nevertheless, I’d like to underline that we usually recommend averaging the base’s position for just a few minutes, as it’ll also provide a centimetre-accurate position. Using longer averaging times won’t increase the accuracy.


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