Really need to delay reach boot by some seconds


We’ll definitely think how we can improve in the future updates in this part. Thanks for the list of options, this is something we’ll take into consideration.

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You know better than me that all are really easy to do.

I managed to have it working on old reach, but sadly i can’t replicate it on M2 because i have no access to yocto root, wich i think is still underneath reach.

Today at the field even the third fast router we bought sometimes was not fast enough and reach went in hot spot mode. Really really frustrating…

Can i have an estimate on when/if a settable delay for known networks will be available or, at least root access will be reconsidered?

Actually is not something to improve, the way it is now works only when a network is already up and running, if the network comes up same time as the reach than there is no way to connect. Other options don’t need to be improved they are just not there.

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