Reach RS via ntrip can't display AR date and grey pillar

I use reach module and reach rs module,they are the same set all through Ntrip receive rtcm date,the reach can receive date and AR is 999 fix,but the reach rs can’t display grey pillar and AR date is zero。so i used two reach rs module to worked is RTK mode,there is same problem reach rs can’t display grey pillar and AR date is zero,but in the correction input can display rover reach rs have received rtcm date。
This is the setting of the reach rs,but the picture can’t display grey pillar and AR date is zero。

This is the setting of the reach ,the same setting as reach rs can be received AR date is 999

This is two reach rs connection through Lora wireless ,it’s the same as the ntrip above, the reach rs rover module can’t display grey pillar and AR date is zero ,but in the correction input case display have received rtcm date。

Can you post picture of RTCM message list you have enabled. Like this

Or if you can, a system report of both units would be awesome

Can you help me to solve the problem of ntrip first

Could you post a system report when you have issue with RS and ntrip. The report needs to be from the RS unit having problem

i have send mail to title is :JACK XU systemreport

Ok, i dont have access to the support mail. So i cant help you then

your mail is?

Could you PM me on this forum?
And add a link to dropbox or other cloud service?

A post was split to a new topic: System report from Jack

what’s happening?

Its been forwarded to Emlid. I could not trace this issue.

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