Reach Firmware 32 Beta 5 is out

In this test of Beta 4 I’ve configured minimum RTCM 3.x legacy GPS 1004 & GLONASS 1012 only, using in situ NetR9 and also a NetR5 base receiver.



RS3 Rover:
There is no significant difference if the other constellations are selected or not.

The issue remains similar to when first reported in January using an RS3 as base.
The radio log still contains constant complaints from the trimtalk450 parser about EOF not being found, but it is not force reading the complete message and crashing.

Radio log:

And here is a time associated example of a dropout in the Exceptions log:

I’ve also noticed a deeper issue, after some time the UHF appears to hang or at least become inconsistent. All outwardly appears OK - RS3 indicates corrections are coming in, and appears to remain on fix with no drop-outs. But that in itself raises suspicion as it’s otherwise constantly dropping out. In this state it can be switched to Lora, but it will no longer allow selection back to UHF, it simply returns back to Lora. In this case it has to be re-booted.

It’s happened now a number of times, here is one event captured in the radio log: