The site conditions can greatly affect the solution. I checked the approximate location of Reach. Google Maps shows some trees, but your device shouldn’t suffer this many cycle slips if the site condition is still the same as now.
Hi Ruth,
I couldn’t have a clearer skyview. I dont have a photo of the setup, be here is a photo of the base from the drones point of view.
The base and the rover were on top of a stockpile too.
I’ll have a little drone fly nearby in 48hours. I’ll get the logs and photos of the setup. It is very similar.
It looks like both folders were from the same receiver. I’m not sure if they are from the base or rover, though. Both files were named reach-rover_raw_20240609000604.24O. Also, both logs have almost the same number of cycle slips and the same observation time. Could you please double-check the files? Thanks!
It’s interesting how your rover suffered from extreme cycle slips given the same environmental condition. Could it be possible that the fiberglass antenna is affecting the rover? Could you please try removing it and enabling raw data logging? Then, we’ll check the quality after.
Photo attached
I think the rover is tripping because i put it in my truck to drive around site.
I’ve been off for a while so this is my first time back in action