Postprocessing long range static VS short range static and RTK ntrip long range

A highly unformal measure to see what happens when two different range are setup.
Both refrence points have some deviation.
Refrence nr 1 which is at my home has around +/- 15mm accuracy
Refrence nr 2 is a steel rod fixed to solid rock, but top survey bell might be of by unknown value due to the fact it is sticking up and could be bent ( Link to picture )
Waypoint A named “Fix i fjell 9.7.17” is result of refrence nr 2 with a baseline om 231m
Waypoint B named “Fix PPS long range” is with refrence nr 1 and baseline of 63,2Km

I Used 2x Reach RS v2.6.0

Fix are separate by E=12mm And N=17mm

Anyways, there are several areas were inaccurat value or bad info could get into the loop but based on two seperat refrence point and fix beeing so close i think this is pretty nice.

Only measured one time with each refrence point, but this looks promising.

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Pic 1 is new point, pic 2 from refrence point nearby

Anybody noticed the crooked pole? :joy:

L1 only at such a distance ? Great ! But need to redo that a lot of time to gain confidence. Would be great if several users here could confirm.
What was your logging duration ?

About 30min for long range.
Gonna do more test of course :slight_smile:

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Revisited this one.
Highlighted groundmark where i created new fixed point.

Fix ref bell1 and Fix AVG PPS 1 is from last time. New ones are FIX AVG PPS 2 (fix average postprocess) and Fix sol ntrip 1 K (fix solution with ntrip RTK)
Nice result. And fun to use ntrip over such long distance, though i had some time out issue, not sure what caused it.
Picture below shows plot from postprocess

Pictures show plot from output solution (RTK ntrip and 63km baseline)

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Did some testflights with my hexacopter lately and tried to postprocess my “Ground Reach” with different reference stations afterwards.
My “Ground Reach” (base from now on) is a Reach unit with a Tallysman 3710 antenna on an aluminum foil wrapped CD as groundplane placed on a small photo tripod about 1 meter above ground.
While setting up the base I used a VRS. The resulting coordinates are the waypoint “Base EPOSA” in the screenshot.
For postprocessing I downloaded raw data from two EUREF GNSS stations. One was 27.6km, the other one 49.1km away. The downloaded RINEX data had a 30 second observation time interval compared to my 5Hz observations of my base. GPS and GLONASS were used in postprocessing.

This is the ground track plotted (blue = 27.6km baseline, green = 49.1km baseline). Only fix solutions visible. Observation duration was 2h 45min.

Will redo such a test while positioning my base on a known point. Let’s see what Reach will tell me :wink:
I will also tinker with precise ephemerides as well as ionosphere and troposphere models.

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