Ntrip correction

Hi, i have two device, base and rover… They comunicate via radio rfd…
Now i would like to improve the accuracy of my rover, and i bought a ntrip correction service (italy-Netgeo)…

I would like to know if i have to configure both device with ntrip service or only base?


That depends on what you want to achieve.

Using NTRIP with your rover will make your own redundant, however, you will get better absolute precision with your own base, as it likely can be placed much closer to your work-site.

Using your own base, you will establish the base coordinates using the NTRIP service, and then use your rover with corrections coming from the base through LoRa.

Hi @v.muscio,

I’d recommend you to figure out coordinates of your local base using NTRIP service. You can record raw data on stationary Reach base for at least 2 hours for it and then post-process them with a log from NTRIP using RTKLib tool.

After that, you need just place the base over this point and enter base position manually. You’ll gain an absolute accuracy with the rover getting corrections from the local base.

Please check Placing the base article, it should clarify the setup a lot.

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