Not Viewable: Recorded Logs

I recorded data on my Emlid Reach RS2 for over 2 hours for a base station; however, when I got back to download the log, I couldn’t get anything off the Emlid Flow app.

I updated the Firmware and Updated my iPad to the latest iOS and now the logs don’t read time duration; however, they have a file size, but, again, I cannot view them.

I have even attempted to view with Bluetooth connection and Beta connection, but with no luck.

Can someone please help me understand how to pull this information off. I have watched a hundred videos and read multiple threads, but nothing addresses this issue.

Try connecting to the receiver with Emlid Flow 360 (web ui).

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the community!

First, can you please check if you can download the logs from the Reach Panel? You can open it by typing Reach’s IP address into any browser while your computer and Reach are connected to the same network. The recorded logs are under Logging.

Besides, can you share a screenshot of what you see under the Recorded logs in Emlid Flow and also a full system report from your Reach RS2? As these may contain sensitive information, feel free to email the files to Thanks!

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I was able to view them by putting the IP onto my desktop browser. Thank you for helping with that.

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I’m happy to hear it! Thanks for the update!


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