No luck with local NTRIP or Caster configs

Almost positive it was but will take a phone pic of the screen.

I do notice that the phone though it has good cellular signal strength doesn’t have a wifi network in the wifi settings. Is that an issue?

What is important is that the phone (with Flow), the RS3, and the RC Pro are all on the same wifi network. Nothing else matters.

It’s easy to take screenshots with RC Pro.

To take a screenshot on a DJI RC Pro, swipe down from the top of the screen twice to access the quick settings menu, then tap the “Screenshot” icon. It’s even easier to press and hold the “Back” button and then press the “Shutter” button to capture a screenshot.


I did take the screenshots, just couldn’t get them off onto my mac computer.

I think screenshots are saved to the SD card on the RC Pro. You can’t hook that up to your mac and pull .png files?

I understand it’s hard to have faith when you are having such a difficult time. But I can assure you, that if the hardware is working properly, and the proper workflow is followed, it works great. But it is fiddly and it all has to be set up perfectly. One single factor off and it will fail completely. That’s all I can tell you.

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I looked. They were not on the SD card…

It looks like screenshots are by default stored on internal storage.
Using the File app, Pictures > Screenshots.
With a windows pc, you can just connect a usb cable to the RC Pro and navigate the file system on the RC Pro.
If that’s not possible on a mac, you can use the file app on the RC pro to move the files to the SD card manually.

So I went back to the open spot and set up, making sure both RS3 and the RC controller were connected to the same phone hotspot. My phone’s hotspot is named “Propeller”.

Still no luck.

Looking at your first RC Pro shot, it shows you connected to Verizon cellular network. That could be your problem right there. Disconnect the dongle and give it a try.

I’ll look through the rest of your images.

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I believe that name always appears there. I’ll double check but I’m almost sure I had it shut off.

On the RC Pro, RTK settings, you want to select “Custom Network RTK”

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Yes, that’s a given. If it’s not the dongle interfering, I’m guessing this thing doesn’t work… but I hope not.


The way the Settings page is laid out in your screenshot is different that on mine. I’m not sure if it is a Pilot2 or firmware difference. Notice how all the icons are on the left in mine and on the right on yours. Also, yours has a satellite icon and mine says RTK.

Yes, I’m on the latest update. BTW, I also use Polaris RTK. It’s the only success I’ve had so far.

Not sure why that dongle would prevent me from getting a FIX though…

I did take it out and going to try again.

Dave, I went out this evening, and though dark, the skies were clear as opposed to earlier today when there was a heavy cloud cover (not sure if that made a difference.) I followed you advise and took out the cellular dongle. I tried to set up the local NTRIP credentials six times and all six times I got rejected. FINALLY, on the 7th time, it took! Making sure both the RS3 AND the RC controller were connected to the phone’s hotspot all seven tries. So I can’t say with confidence what the difference was. It worked for local NTRIP AND the caster setup. Here’s some screen shots of what I saw, including a STATUS showing no satellites. Is that normal for local NTRIP?

I’ll have more confidence in the setup if I can do it again tomorrow.


With regard to weather, obstructions, etc. All of these can make a difference. However, using Local NTRIP, you should always be able to establish the connection. It may be “Float” if something is preventing centimeter precision confidence. But, it should connect regardless.

Definitely more factors that can go wrong in the Caster workflow.

Repetition will be helpful.

How did you establish your base coordinate for your test in this setting?

Average fix for a given amount of time?