No local base position data in result file

familiarising self with PPK processing a static observation. if I select the “One Best” option in the processing setup, then the resulting file does not show any data in the lower part of the file for my local base that I am trying to fix. I see a point in the resulting plot, which appears to be correct.

If I select the “All Solutions” option in the processing setup, then I get a LOT of data in the Local Base part of the .pos report file.

What am I doing wrong with the “one best” approach? it would be nice to see Emlid Studio’s effort at the best result, with the associated statistical analysis.
The upper part of the .pos report file seems fine, showing the CORS base observations that I am processing against.

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Hi Tin, Welcome to the community!

Your result looks correct to me. When you use the best solution, the result will be one solution that is shown in the .pos file. Meanwhile, when you choose all solutions, it will show all possible solutions in the .pos file.

I suggest using the best solution option, ES will give the best estimate of the position by an EKF (extended Kalman filter).

Additionally, we do have a discussion about this “one best” in this thread: Does the "one best" option average all fixed ponts? - #13 by daygeckoart


Here is my problem - if I select One Best in Emlid Studio, then the .pos output file looks like this :

but if I select all data then I get a lot of positions:

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Could you share the following data to check:

  • Observation data from the rover
  • Observation and navigation data from the base

If you prefer to send the data privately, you can send the data directly to

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