M+ : issues with RTCM correction stream

Hi Chris,

Thanks for your patience!

I will answer your questions below:

  • On that last screenshot you posted (base log of 2020-07-25), what broadcaster was that ?

We were using the same caster as you did -

  • Are you also using netcat (nc) to stream the RTCM data to the USB pipe?

Yes, we used the nc for the data streaming over the USB port.

Using the stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw enables the processing of the raw data, e.g. there is no additional processing on the PC itself. It may affect the piping process overall, but it should not work in a way that the stream is only affected at a certain stage, e.g. initialization.

  • Should I be able to connect to the Reach’s webserver via the USB-CDC_ether connection?

Regarding the using USB connection to access the web interface of Reach, I’d recommend checking this thread: Can't connect to new RS2 - #3 by bide