Looking for some basic help/explanation of post processing (NRC)

This is quite long for a single point observation, we are seeing sub-centimeter convergence in 40-90 seconds.


I’m interested in doing some PPK processing on my surveys if it allows me to cut down on the base log time.

It’s a little fuzzy to me how PPK differers from Differential Correction (if it does at all) I’ve used some low grade hand held trimbles and down differential correction on the points using data from the Canadian Active Control System (CACS) which improve the results a bit. To achieve that 5cm or so accuracy, would this approach be possible. For my trials at least, the CACS antenna is logging from only a few miles away (if that makes a big impact) When you mention being within proximity of a base, as you referring to a control system like that, or one that you set up?


PPK allows you to reach 1 cm accuracy.
PPK is used for fixed differential correction results, that means centimeters results (not all single frequency receivers allow that type of results).

The CACS bases can be used if the station is within a short distance of your field job (there is a subscription fee to access the RINEX files from CACS).
If you do not have access to a close-by reference station, you may run your own (using a 2nd Reach unit on site).
CACS charge for their files, but other free network are available in your area (NRCan has a good free network).

Thank you.

I am looking for the NRCAN network, but I am unable to find anything other than their PPP correction tool. Is this different from from their free network you are talking about?

Also, I am able to download CACS data in a .18O format it seems. I wonder, is it possible to convert this to the Rinex .obs format to use it to run PPK on RTKLIB?

*.18o is the Rinex observation file

Base provider available in EZSurv post-processing software includes NRCan.
It is similar to CACS but Canadien wide.

You can see the base available in their network at the following address:

To try PPK with EZSurv software: http://www.effigis.com/en/freetrial/

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