Integration of RS3 with Topcon via UHF radio

I will email support

I am curious and want to see the log that you found that logs the uhf receiving errors. Not sure where to find that in FSR files I just downloaded but I’ll look.

Yes it could be something simple I’m overlooking, there are a couple more settings I can play with on the topcon side to see if that changes anything.

OK, unzip the report somewhere and in this situation a good place to start looking for clues is this one here:
RS3-Rover_ReachRS3_[report date]_SystemReport\services-logs\ [your own current firmware version folder] \reach-radio.log

I see the bad CRC error which I think is telling me the topcon base is sending extra/wrong data
reach-radio.log (1.4 MB)
The only time I’ve tried uhf with my rs3 is with my topcon base these past days so that whole log is a good example. On jan 5 i switched to gps output only on the hiper vr and you can tell by the smaller msg the rs3 receives then I turned on glonass later.

Picture above is pocket 3D (topcons Emlid flow) setting up base constellation output.

Check the Topcon FEC setting is Off, it’s showing On in one of your screenshots above.

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Hi Conner,

I received the full system report you shared. Thank you!

It’s hard to say for sure what stands behind this issue with the UHF radio, but let’s continue investigating it. Could you please retry the setup using RTCM 3.x corrections and the TrimTalk protocol instead of TrimTalk Tx?

I will do more testing this weekend. I’m sure I already tried with the fec option off and I tried rtcm3.x option with trimtalk instead of trimtalk tx.

I will take pictures of the set up options every time I try something new to narrow down what works and what doesn’t.

Ive only tried getting corrections from my topcon base via uhf. I’ll have to see if I can get corrections via Bluetooth to see if the hiper vr base corrections even work with the rs3. And if they don’t work I know it’s a problem with the corrections not the uhf rover.

I want to try the Harxon radio with my rs3 to broadcast corrections to my topcon hiper vr rover

@E38_Survey_Solutions said I can return it if it doesn’t work. I would buy one from Emlid but I don’t think I can return it.

I’ve never set up radio or gotten a license for it. I will do more research but any advice is welcome.

Hi Conner, we went through the folks here for our FCC license, which was pretty painless and we received our licensed frequencies within about a month. We have a video and written guide on setting up the Harxon radio we sell as well as offer initial config if you provide us with your FCC license info.