I have a question about Navio2 and raspberry pi

Hi @osung1598,

Raspberry Pi with attached Navio2 doesn’t save the file with the mission data in its memory. Its memory only has the records of the configured parameters that are being sent from Mission Planner. It’s not possible to access some regular files with mission data on the Navio2 that you can use later on.

You can save the list of configured parameters from Mission Planner on your PC. For this, you need to click on the Save to file button. This file can be used only on the PC. It can’t be transferred to Navio2 for usage.

The binary files consist of complex structured data that are meant to be read by the applications. It’s used to run the autopilot software.

In Auto Mode, the drone will follow a configured mission made up of navigation commands (i.e. waypoints). Auto Mode incorporates the altitude control from AltHold Mode and position control from Loiter Mode. The autopilot uses a barometer that measures air pressure to determine altitude and GPS readings to determine the heading.

I suggest checking out the Auto Mode guide to learn more about it.

I see that Artem has already answered you regarding GPIO pins in this thread: